Logo Mitweg mit Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Beiträge von Eckart Wilkens Menü

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy: Peace Corps (1966)


This is the transcription of three lectures during a visit in a camp of the Peace Corps, transcribed from the tapes by Frances Huessy, with the following changes and additions:

  1. Commonplace phrases as “you see”, “so to speak” are eliminated. Where the speaker corrects himself within the same sentence, only the corrected version is kept.
  2. Additions:
    chapters with titles scooped from the text,
    Roman numbers for the four parts of a chapter,
    Arabian numbers for the four parts of the parts of a chapter,
    titles for the stories – which are marked by color – which communicate either a personal or historical event,
    sentences are marked in bold print, which are as a sum of thought and to be kept as taken for themselves,
    indices of contents, names, stories, sentences.

The three lectures are extraordinary because they constitute a form of peace after a harsh, breathtaking quarrel preceding the second lecture. So that the whole is what it speaks about.

The quote of the greeting of peace Phil. 4, 7 transcends even all what is said and understood – or misunderstood.

Cologne, March 19, 2017
Eckart Wilkens